Thursday, September 28, 2017

Iowa State Fair Cookies

One of our favorite treats when we go to the Iowa State Fair is eating the cookies!!  We love them so much that Drake researched the 'copy-cat' recipe online and we baked them from home.  Success!!  The recipe truly did taste like those from the State Fair.  It was so much fun to bake with the kids.  Kirsten and Alexa 'licked the bowl and spoons' for the first time, too!  This is one recipe we will repeat.

2nd Annual Camping Trip

The Guthries headed north and went camping in Wisconsin.  This was our second family camping trip and it was almost spoiled by rainy weather.  However, we made the most of the 'dampness' and roughed it out!  We also picked tons of blackberries and Nana made a wonderful pie with the fruit, yummy!!


9 years of wedded bliss!

Gordon and I celebrated 9 years of marriage yesterday!  Gordon surprised me with a wonderful dinner at Splash where the went all out for us.  We had a special menu printed wishing us a Happy anniversary, they decorated the plates with the same message, and we had an amazing meal.  However, the highlight of the evening was spending it with My Love, Gordon.  I can't believe 9 years have gone by already, it goes so fast!  I look forward to spending many, many more years with the love of my life!