Monday, March 6, 2017

First Grade Music Concert

Kirsten had her first grade music concert where she got to hold the USA poster and play a special piece on the Xylophone.  After the concert we told her how proud we are of her and that she played wonderfully...she proceeded to tell us "it was easy, I only have to play 3 notes D, D, C, over and over again".  LOL, well we thought that was impressive!

Gymnastics Photos

The girls decided to pause their Dance lessons for Gymnastics lessons this year.  However, like dance, they have the girls get dressed-up for photos.  We are still awaiting the professional ones to be completed, but I wanted post the ones I took at home.  Introducing... the next Dream Team!  ;)

Annual Daddy and Daughters Dance

Gordon took the girls to the annual Daddy & Daughter's Dance and they loved it!  This was their second year going so they knew what to expected and were super excited.  I spent the afternoon getting them ready by curling their hair and applying a little makeup.  Gordon looked handsome as ever with his princesses as they went to the Dance!