We celebrated my best friend Danielle's wedding on 9/10/11. Danielle has been engaged for more than a year and I was nervous that my pregnancy may interfere with my ability to stand up in her wedding. However, Alexa arrived 2 weeks early and I had 5 weeks to get my body back into shape for the wedding!!
Gordon and I packed up the family and took 2 lap children across the country to Los Angeles, CA for the festivities. My Mom flew into town just to watch the kids while we were at the wedding. The trip went by so fast, but everything went smoothly!
Danielle was a beautiful bride and it was great to see all my best friends (Danielle, Tiffany and Alexis).
Congratulations Danielle and Robert!!!

My Mom bought Kirsten these glasses since she was going to be in LA! I had to take a picture of Kirsten and her Godmother Tiffany; pictured to the right are the adorable Ugg boots Tiff got for Kirsten that light up when she walks!! Don't mind Kirsten's funny face... this is her "cheese" smile!