We celebrated Halloween last Saturday with Drake by taking him to "Night Eyes" at the Zoo here in Des Moines. It is an event that allows children to walk through the Zoo while collecting candy in costume. We had a blast and Drake thoroughly enjoyed himself as Spiderman. It is so much fun to watch him grow up through the last few years and see his personality blossom… he says some of the cutest things! For example, he was completely in character this Halloween as Spiderman. Gordon and I were to address him as "Spiderman" and if we did otherwise, we were corrected. As we were getting ready to leave, I said "Drake, let's get our shoes on" he immediately corrected me and said "I'm not Drake, I'm Spiderman." When we were in the car, I asked "Spiderman" a question about his muscles, he proceeded to tell me that "Drake" has small muscles, but "Spiderman" has big ones...listening to him refer to himself in the third person was adorable!
Below are some pictures of the night, the best was when Drake...I mean "Spiderman", was able to meet the "real" Batman and Spiderman--he thought that was amazing! He even said "How cool was that?" afterwards :)
Spiderman with Daddy and myself in front of the Pumpkin patch:
Drake/Spiderman with the "real" Spiderman and Batman. As well as, Spiderman with the "bunny" ...we told him it was a Kangaroo, but he was convinced otherwise!
Daddy and Drake throwing spiderwebs, although Daddy has fists...Drake should give Daddy lessons on how Spiderman does it! Also pictured is Drake's Halloween basket from Gordon and I!

Spiderman and Scooby-Doo!